Convert Point Cloud

The “Convert Point Cloud” tool converts any supported LiDAR file into another LiDAR file, one on one.
The “Optimize Point Cloud” tool converts one or more supported LiDAR files into a single Orbit Point Cloud file.

By converting LiDAR resources into an Orbit Point Cloud file, the performance in Orbit will increase spectacularly.

Map > Tools > … > Convert Point Cloud

Select the source file or source directory.
When using a source directory all supported point cloud files of the selected directory (and optionally subfolders) will be used.

Set the coordinate reference systems of the source file(s).
If the CRS of the selected source file(s) is not defined, the current Map CRS will be used as default.
When using a source directory all supported point cloud files supposed to be in the same CRS.

Select target directory and set the coordinate system of the target Point Cloud file.

According to the chosen format one can apply the following options:

Converting LiDAR data can take some time depending the size of the source data, hardware specifications (processing power) and data access (disc speed and file access), read more...