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Dataset Structure Contents

The Dataset Structure Contents panel gives access to the internal structure of the selected dataset.

Right-Click on the dataset in the Datasets & Dataset Lists > Dataset Context Menu > Dataset Properties > Contents

A dataset can have one ore more Models,
a model can have one or more Attribute sets,
an attribute set will have one or more Attributes.
It is strongly recommended to read first

Dataset Structure Content

Left Side Overview of the Spatial and Attribute Component.
Model Structure General information about the dataset structure for each model.
Right Side Tabs to manage and edit the Dataset Structure and Attribute Component.
Naming Rename Models, Attribute Sets and Attributes.
Define special Attribute information such as hyperlinks, annotation attributes, a map tip and primary field.
Structure Add and Remove Models, Attribute Sets and Attributes.
Manage the Spatial Component of Models : Point, Lines or Areas and 2D or 3D.
Rules Add a Valuelist or a Formula to an Attribute.

Table Join