Add XYZ Attributes

The goal of this exercise is to show to the user how to add attributes to an existent attribute table of a dataset. The user will be able to add attributes by datatype and rule.


Reference Documentation

Preceding Exercises



Add new formula attributes to a dataset

  1. Open Resource
  2. Open Dataset Structure Panel
    In the “Dataset Properties Window”, go to “Structure”
  3. Add Attributes
    In the tab “Structure”, go to “Manage Attributes from Attributes set” and add a new attributes “X”, “Y” and “Z”, datatype Float8.
  4. Add Formula to Attributes
    In the tab “Rules”, set “Formula” and select according the attributes “CenterX”, “CenterY”and “CenterZ”.
  5. Save Dataset
    The Save Icon right from the DataestName in the DatasetList indicates some changes are not saved. Click the Save Icon to save all changes.
