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Classification by Classes or Unique values

Legend Editor > Classification


It is recommended to read first Dataset Legend : Classification.

Classification Setup

Classification using Classes

Classes or Range of values.

  1. Select a formula to calculate the range breaks, see below
  2. Define the number of classes.
  3. Orbit will auto-calculate the breaks for each value range using the attribute values of all objects and the chosen formula.
  4. If required adjust the value range of each class manually using the Min / Max attribute fields.

Formulas to auto-calculate the value ranges:



Classification using Unique Values


Add, Remove and Order Classes

  1. Add a new class.
  2. Delete the selected class.
  3. Move the selected class one up in the legend display.
  4. Move the selected class one down in the legend display.

Classification Appearance

Changing the presentation of the selected Graphical parameter(s)

Set appearance by Single Values or Ranges

Single Values
Each class/value has one graphical representation.

Only when using classes it is possible to define a from - to graphical representation. The Min and Max presentation for each class (range) can be set.
Any attribute value in between will be interpolated.

Edit graphical appearance of Classes

Double click and edit

Double click the graphical presentation (field “Parameters”) to edit the selected graphical parameter(s), for example:

Auto Parameter

Use the Auto Parameter function to apply well-defined palette or pattern on the selected graphical parameter.
This functions is available for:

For more information, see Auto Parameter

Edit Labels of Classes

For display purposes you may want to assign a label to each class or value. Legend Displays are used in the Legend Display and can be used on a printout via the Print Layout.

Just click the label field (right of the graphical presentation) and enter a label text.

Auto Label

Use of Auto Label:


Examples and Steps to create

It is advised to define first the Basic Appearance before classification.

  1. Define the Basic Appearance.
  2. Start Classification
    1. Select an attribute
    2. Select the type of classification (unique values, classes, direct link), see below
    3. Select one parameter or a group of graphical parameters that will be affected by the chosen attribute, see below
    4. If type of classification is classes or unique values
      1. Define different classes or unique values to classify
      2. Define the presentation of the selected graphical parameter(s) for each class or value

Example: World Population Density