This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Resources Sidebar

This page documents the 3DM Viewer Resources Feature Sidebar.
Orbit 3DM Viewer > Sidebar > Feature Sidebars > Resources


All available Resources in the workspace are listed here. The feature Sidebar allows changing the visibility, and legend/presentation of all resources. Optionally the Resource Type can be displayed and the Resource Components can be edited.


The overall Resource visibility can be toggled and the visibility of Resource Components can be managed (triangle left from resource name).

Optionally the display of the resource type and visibility per View can be set using the Viewer and View Settings.

Streaming of Tiled Vector Data is related to the View Positions and the proximity of Vector Data Objects and is represented by the vector data loading status icon (paused, loading icon at the right-hand side of the Resource Visibility toggle button).

The order of the resource listing defines the presentation on the Reference View. The resource most on top will be shown on top.
Drag and drop the resources in the sidebar to change the order.

Use the eye icon from Resource Sidebar Header to inspect which resources are currently loaded in the workspace. Only available when making use of a Dynamic Resource Group.

Available Resources

3DM Viewer Supported Resources are loaded from the connecting backend (Publisher or Cloud) using the Viewer Catalog (Backend Resources), or can be added from the local device (Local Resources).

Backend Resources

Added by admin when creating the publication.

Local Resources

Can be added by users at runtime.
Add local resources via:

  • Drag local resource files: select a supported resource file and its corresponding auxiliary files (.olg, .ord and, for point features, .osl). If no auxiliary files are available, a default fall back is in place.
  • Drag local resource folder: select the directory to add the first found resource.


The legend can be edited per Resource (group) Component. Every Edit Legend component has at the bottom the option to apply the defined settings to other resources available in this workspace of the same type.

Point Cloud: The legend editor allows changing the visualization of the point cloud as well as the view depth.
Photo: The legend editor allows changing the brightness of the images in the resource. Can also be accessed via the Viewer Action Menu.
Mesh: The legend editor allows changing the view depth and transparency level.
Footprint: The footprint of Mapping Run resources can be edited to set a color, Image view Positions, Reference View scale limits, and display options.

  • Image View: Position: Define the size of the representation of the image positions on other images with a maximum of 5m.
  • Reference View Scale Limits: Set scale limits on the visualization of the Envelope, Simplified Trajectory and Image Positions. By default, the Envelope is visualized at all times (no scale limit), the trajectory is visualized from 1/50000 and this will change into the image positions from 1/5000.

Vector: Point, Line, and Area vector resources have each dedicated legend options to change its visual representation.

The Resource Menu (three dots right from the resource name) gives short-handed access to edit Resouce Component Legend, zoom to Resource extent, display Resource Metadata, and close Resource from the current Workspace.

Last modified:: 2023/06/22 15:35