This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Orbit Run Versions & Structure

This page describes some technical information about the Orbit mobile mapping Run files and structure.

Orbit is constantly improving tools and software which may result in an update of the files and structure of an Orbit mobile mapping Run.
Backwards compatibility is guaranteed. A newer Orbit release supports mobile mapping runs imported in a previous Orbit version. However to take advantage of new feature updates it may be required to use the latest Orbit run version.

It is strongly recommended to read first Concepts about Mobile Mapping data in Orbit.

Run version 3 from Orbit 11.0

An Orbit run version 3 uses the “orbit_mm_run.omr” file as central mobile mapping run resource file.
Run version 3 has been developed to optimize performance and to use new tools of the Orbit MM Content Manager.

Structure updates compared to run version 2 :

  • Point Cloud : ../pointcloud/point_cloud.opc
  • Simplified Trajectory : ../trajectory_simplified
  • Trajectory Adjustments : ../trajectory_adjustment

Configuration files

All advanced technical configurations related to the used resources and mobile mapping system are managed via the import template and applied on import, so called “Import configurations”.
Some additional configurations can be added or updated after import, so called “Optional configurations”.

Import configurations

An Orbit training is required to create and update your proper import configuration files. Contact sales at orbitgt dot com.

Optional configurations

Add/edit and save the listed files using a standard text editor (e.g. Notepad).


The Orbit run identifier file (required).
<Orbit Run directory>/orbit_mm_run.omr

Camera height

Height of camera above the road surface expressed in meters, use dot as decimal separator. This height is used to display 2D vector data in the 3D mobile mapping views and for the point drop measure function.

Image file extension


File extension of original images, default “jpg”. However any supported image resource can be used, see Supported Geodata Resources.

Simplified trajectory


At import photo positions or trajectory the trajectory simplified (coverage) will be created automatically if not yet exists. The above settings can be used to adjust the defaults, as used in the example below.

  • maximum.distance : coordinate will be added if its perpendicular drop distance to the segment between previous and next coordinate is larger than maximum.distance (meter).
  • part.separation : two consecutive original coordinates won't be connected if segment length is larger than part.separation (meter).
  • photo.sequence.key : Initial sort of coordinates before connecting to lines is based on the string value of the photo.sequence.key attribute(s). Add prefix zero characters to obtain expected sort when using integer value as sort reference. A combination of attribute values can be used as well, e.g. OrbitTimeStamp+ObjectId.


version 3
project.type generic
project.file orbit_mm_run.omr 2.20
simplified.trajectory.maximum.distance 1
simplified.trajectory.part.separation 10
photo.sequence.key OrbithPhotoId {PARAM_CRS}

The image redirect file (optional) 1).
<Orbit Run directory>/<camera>/original/link.ini
<Orbit Run directory>/<camera>/processed/link.ini

Redirect images
To avoid file copy into the appropriated Orbit run folder structure a single line ascii text file can be used to specify the image file path prefix. The file path prefix combined with the OrbitFileName attribute value will be used as file pointer.



Run version 2 from Orbit 10.5 to 11.0

An Orbit run version 2 uses the “orbit_mm_run.omr” file as central mobile mapping run resource file.
Run version 2 has been developed to optimize performance and to use new tools like Optimize Imagery of Mapping Run and Process Point Cloud Image.

Structure :

  • Photo positions : ../panorama/locations.ovt
  • Images : ../panorama/original or processed if the images are processed
  • Point Cloud : ../pointcloud/point_cloud.ocp
  • Point Cloud Orthophotos : ../pointcloud_ortho
  • Trajectory : ../trajectory

Run version 1 from Orbit 10.0 to 10.5

An Orbit run version 1 uses the “panorama_positions.ovf” file as central mobile mapping run resource file.

Structure :

  • Photo positions : panorama_positions.ovf
  • Images : /images/
  • Point Cloud : point_cloud.ovt

Update existing runs

Update run vresion 2 to 3

A new import using a run template version 3 is required.
A version 2 point cloud can be selected as source file to import your new run.

Update run version 1 to 2

A new import using a run template version 2 is required.
A version 1 point cloud can be recovered, copy ../pointcloud/processed/*.opc and *.opcmr files to your new run.

link.ini image redirect file : available from Orbit 11.1.0
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36