This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Supported Geodata Resources

This page gives an overview of all supported formats.

Vector Data

Format File Extension Read Write
File based resources
Orbit Vector File .ovf * *
Orbit Vector File Tiled .ovt * *1)
Orbit XML File .oxf * *
Orbit Vector Symbol .ovs *
Ascii text file2) .csv .txt … *
ESRI Shapefile .shp * *
GPS eXchange Format .gpx * *
Keyhole Markup Language .kml .kmz * *
Wavefront .obj file .obj *3)
STereoLithography .stl *4)
FME Resources .dwg .dxf
Database Resources
Well-known text .odb * *
Well-known binary * *
Separate coordinate fields (x,y,z) * *
Oracle Spatial * *
PostgreSQL * *
ArcSDE *5)
Web based Resources
WFS - Web Feature Service .owfs *

Raster Data

Format File Extension Read Write
Orbit Multiresolution Image .omi * *
ESRI Grid format .adf *
USGS DEM .dem * *
ERMapper ERS .ers * *
Esri FLT .flt * *
Nasa HGT .hgt * *
Idrisi RST .rst * *

Image Data

Format File Extension Read Write
File based resources
Orbit Image File .oif * *
Bitmap .bmp * *
Graphics Interchange Format .gif * *
JPEG .jpg * *
Portable Network Graphics .png * *
Multiresolution Resources
Orbit Multiresolution Image .omi * *
MrSID .sid *6)
Enhanced Compression Wavelet .ecw *7)
JPEG 2000 .jp2 *8)
Tagged Image File Format .tif(f) *9) *10)
GeoTIFF .tif(f) *
Web based Resources
TMS - Tile Map Service .otm *
WMS - Web Map Service .owms *
WMTS - Web Map Tile Service .owmts *

Point Cloud Data

Format File Extension Read Write
Orbit Point Cloud .opc * *
Orbit Point Cloud Selection .ops * *
Orbit Composite Point Cloud .ocp *
ASTM E57 .e57 * *
Laser exchange format .las 11) *12) *13)
LASzip exchange format .laz 14) * *15)
pts .pts *
xyz .xyz *
Ascii Text File .txt *
csv .csv *

Other Resources

Format File Extension Read Write
Image World File .XXw * *
Projection Definition File .prj *
Code Page definition .cpg *

Other Orbit Resources

Format File Extension Read Write
Orbit Annotation File .oaf * *
Orbit Construction File .ocf * *
Orbit Composite Resource .ocr * *
Orbit GIS Workspace file .ogw * *
Orbit Legend File .olg * *
Orbit Mobile Mapping Resource .omr * *
Orbit Object List .ool * *
Orbit Resource Descriptor .ord * *
Orbit Strabo Project File .osf * *
Orbit Symbols Library .osl *

3D Mapping Resources

Orbit vector tiled : export only, an ovt file cannot be edited.
Ascii text file : Text files are no GIS vector resources but can contain a list of coordinates and attributes to be imported via import and geocoding.
Obj : Preliminary support, view only.
Stl : Preliminary support, view only.
ArcSDE : Read only for geometry and attributes, not available for Asset Inventory
Sid : Drivers and support on Windows only. Dependency on the Visual Studio 2017 runtime.
Sid of 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th generation are supported.
ECW : Drivers and support on Windows only
JP2 : Drivers and support on Windows only
TIFF reading : Support for Baseline, Tiled, Multiresolution and BigTIFF. Support for commonly used compression methods (G4, JPEG, LZW and Packbits).
If a tiff file cannot be read properly, contact Orbit support.
TIFF writing : Support for Baseline, Tiled and Multiresoltion. Support for JPEG compression only.
LAS : Variable Length Records (VLR) header information is supported to define resource coordinate reference system.
LAS, Reading : Support for LAS version 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4
LAS, Writing : Support for LAS version 1.2 only.
Export includes XYZ, Intensity, RGB if available RGB and GPS time if avaialble. The CRS WKT string is included as VLR (2112).
LASzip : Supported using laszip libraries.
Drivers and support on Windows and Unix only. Currently no support on Mac and Linux.
Laszip libraries are included in Orbit installation. Dependency on Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 runtime
LASzip, Writing :
Export includes XYZ, Intensity, RGB if available and GPS time if available. The CRS WKT string is included as VLR (2112).
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36