Convert and Optimize Data

The aim of this exercise is to show to the user how to convert and optimize data. The user will be able to optimize/convert image, vector and point cloud data.


Reference documentation

Preceding Exercises



Part 1

Convert vector data.

  1. Convert tool
    Drag and drop “gent_edge_of_road.shp” file from the folder “Reference Data” to the Orbit workspace.
  2. Convert vector file
    Output format dxf with the same name, projection 31370.

Part 2

Optimize point cloud data.

  1. Optimize tool
    Drag and drop the original point cloud .las file from the folder “MMS Original data” to the Orbit workspace.
  2. Optimize point cloud
    Optimize from the original CRS 4326 to “point_cloud31370”, CRS 31370.


Part 1

Part 2