Map 2D - Edit Tools

The aim of this exercise is to guide the user through the Edit tools in Map 2D. The user will be able to explore te Edit tools menu by adding and editing objects, vertices and appearance.


Reference documentation

Preceding Exercises



Add and change the legend of a dataset, create and split objects, merge and make parallel by distance.

  1. Open run
    BE Gent by Topcon.
  2. Add vector resource
    Add “topcon_gent_edge_of_road.shp” to the dataset list.
  3. Change legend
    Basic appearance “Line Width : 3”, color red.
  4. Make the dataset recordable.
  5. Create new object
    Digitize the road across the river, in the “edge_of_road.shp” on the OpenStreetMap. Only the side closer to the river.
  6. Split object
    Split the newly created objects at intersections between the road and bridges
  7. Merge object
    Select two segments and merge them into a single object.
  8. Create parallel
    Make a parallel by entering a distance with value 10.
  9. Move line
    Move the newly created parallel line to fit the other side of the road.
