Create, Open and Remove Datasets

The goal of this exercise is to show to the user how to create, open and remove datasets to and from the workspace. The user will be also able to create new vector datasets specifying the dataset properties.


Reference documentation

Preceding Exercises



Add, remove and create datasets.

  1. Open run
    Open the run BE Gent by Topcon.
  2. Add dataset
    Drag and drop the “topcon_gent_edge_of_road.shp” to the dataset list.
  3. Add dataset
    Drag and drop the “topcon_gent_manholes.ovf”to the dataset list.
  4. Remove both datasets .
  5. Create new vector dataset
    Create a new vector dataset, named “streets_ghent”, “Display name: streets”, “Spatial Type: Lines”, “Coordinates: 2D”, “CRS: 4326”.
  6. Attributes
    Do not fill in any attribute
    finalize the wizard and save the new dataset.

