Vector dataset structure concepts

Vector Datasets

A Dataset is composed of Models, Model has one Spatial Component and one Attribute Component where Attribute Sets group a list of Attributes.
Some supported formats can have only one model, one attribute set and one value for each attribute.
If your dataset or export doesn't match these conditions an error will occur while saving. (e.g. shp, kml/kmz and gpx)

Dataset Structure


In Orbit, all datasets consist of at least one model. Each model contains spatial objects and is defined by a Spatial Component and an Attribute Component.

View and edit the Dataset Structure using the dataset properites > structure window.

Spatial component

The Spatial Component defines the geometry (points, lines or areas) and type of coordinates (2D, 3D) of all spatial objects and object vertex points in the model.
A vertex is one object coordinate. All vertices togheter compose the spatail object.

Attribute component

The Attribute Component holds the semantic or tabluar data and contains Attribute Sets (or attribute tables) which group each a list of Attributes. An Attribute has one data type definition (interger, float, string, double) and can have zero, one ore more values.

Orbit Vector File vs Esri Shapefile

An Orbit Vector File or Orbit Vector File Tiled (*.ovf, *.ovt) can have no, one or more attribute sets. Each attribute set can have no, one or more attributes.
An Esri Shape file must have exactly 1 attribute set with at least 1 attribute.
If your dataset or export doesn't match these conditions an error will occur while saving.

A native Orbit Vector File can consist of several models. This feature create some interesting advantages.
One can create a dataset with spatial objects that belong to each other but that have a different geometry (e.g. roadmarks consists of lines, areas and points). This reduces the number of files and datasets which simplifies the data management.

An Esri Shapefile must have one and only one model and attribute set and must have at least one attribute.