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Project Settings

1. To create a new project, select 'New Project…' in the menu of the project sidebar.
The Project Wizard will be started to guide you through the project definition.

2. To open an existing project, select 'Open…' or 'Recent Projects'. The 'Open Project' box will show up. Choose an existing project by selecting a file with .spr extension. Or you can also drag/drop the .spr file directly in the project window to open.

3. Details (i.e. # linked images and # models) of the opened project are given in the Project sidebar.

4. To open the Project Wizard of the current stereoproject, press the edit button. The steps to follow are exactly the same as explained in the Project Wizard and lets you edit or inspect the project parameters of the current stereoproject. Save the project by clicking 'save'.

5. You can export the footprints of the current project to a *.shp-file. You can also go to the 'extended view' of the stereoproject on your mapcanvas .

6. You can export the current project: a way to cut out an area out of a larger project (remove photos via step 4 of the project wizard (photo settings) and export the project).