Annotations Overview

This page describes the general operations and principles of Annotations.
More information about all features of the Annotation Tools Sidebar, see: Annotation Tools Sidebar.

What are annotations ?

Annotations are tools to complement the map data with temporary notes or sketches. Orbit provides a range of annotation types that can be stored in an annotation file or as attribute (only in OVF format). Since Orbit annotations are georeferenced, they remember exact positions and can be exchanged with colleges.

Annotations structure

An Annotation consists out of some Annotation Objects. An Annotation Object is a rectangle, a line, a text (See annotation types).
An Annotation can be temporary, can be stored in a file, or can be stored as attribute to a spatial object (See Dataset Structure Naming).

Exchanging Annotations

Since annotations are georeferenced, you can easily exchange your remarks with a colleague. Just save the annotation in a file, and email the *.oaf file. Your colleague can open this file using the Open Annotation File function.

Since Orbit can work with dynamic Symbol Libraries, make sure that your colleague has access to the symbols you used in your annotation properties.


Annotation Tools Sidebar

Open Annotation Tools Sidebar: