2D Annotations

This page describes all features of the Annotation Tools Sidebar.
More information about the general operations and principles of Annotations, see: Annotations Overview.

Map 2D > Tools > Annotations
Short-key combination : <Alt> + A

Select Annotations File Access New Annotations Edit Annotation Appearance
Select an annotation or delete all selected annotations. The File Access buttons are used to open, save or close an annotation dataset. Add a new annotation to the current annotation dataset.
Pick the right annotation type and draw it on the map.
New annotations have default properties.
Select the annotation object you wish to change. Apply the edits by using the functions below. Make changes to the appearance of the annotations dataset.

Select Annotations

Select an annotation or delete all selected annotations.

Function Description
Select annotation item Point and click to select an annotation item to activate it.
Use Shift-Click to select more than 1.
Delete annotation item Selected annotation items are deleted

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File Access

The File Access buttons are used to open, save or close an annotation dataset.

Function Description
New create new annotation file, or clear all current annotation
Open … open an annotation file
Close close the annotation dataset
Save … Save current set of annotations to the current file
Save As … Save current set of annotations to a new file. Annotations can also be saved as OVF-file.

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New annotations

Add a new annotations to the current annotation dataset. Pick the right annotation type and draw it on the map. New annotations have default properties.

To add an annotation object: click the icon and start drawing on the map.

Function Description
Rectangle Draw a rectangle by clicking a position and dragging the cursor.
Circle Draw a circle by clicking a position and dragging the cursor.
Area Draw an area by clicking a position for each vertex and finish by clicking right and “finish annotation”.
Line Draw a line by clicking a position for each vertex and finish by clicking right and “finish annotation”.
Freehand line Click and draw a freehand line.
Arrow Draw an arrow by clicking a position for each vertex and finish by clicking right and “finish annotation”.
The last click adjusts the direction of the arrow.
Dimension Draw a dimension by clicking a position for each vertex and finish by clicking right and “finish annotation”.
The first and the last click adjust the directions of the ends.
Point Click a position to add an annotation point.
Note Click a position to add a note. The text is only visible after clicking the note.
Text Click a position and fill in text.
Text box Click a position and fill in text.
Text callout Click a position and fill in text.
Text box round Click a position and fill in text.
Text callout round Click a position and fill in text.

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Edit annotation

The edit annotation functions only apply on the selected annotation objects.

Select the annotation object you wish to change. Apply the edits by using the functions below.

Function Description
Select annotation Point and click to select an annotation item to activate it.
Use Shift-Click to select more than 1.
Duplicate annotation object Make a copy of the selected annotation(s)
Paste graphic formatting Select an annotation object and activate the function.
Select the annotation object you wish to paste te graphic formatting on.
Move vertex point Move vertices of line or area annotations by clicking and dragging the vertex.
Use the CTRL-button to move the vertex parallel to segment.
Free rotate Rotate the selected annotation object(s).
Reset rotation Restore default rotation of selected annotation object(s).
Rotate 90° counter-clockwise Rotate the selected annotation object(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate 90° clockwise Rotate the selected annotation object(s) 90 degrees clockwise.
Move left Move the selected annotation object(s) to the left.
Move right Move the selected annotation object(s) to the right.
Move up Move the selected annotation object(s) upward.
Move down Move the selected annotation object(s) downward.


Change the presentation of the selected annotation object in the properties window.

Some of the graphic properties are grayed-out and disabled for annotations.
These properties are available for vector resources, but have a default value for annotation and cannot be changed.

Edit Text

For text annotations you can edit the text or add text or images:

  1. Select a Text Annotation.
  2. Click the Edit Text icon:
    • Edit Text: Adjust the text in the text box and apply
    • Add Text: Click the Add text button and write a text in the second text box. This newly entered text will appear underneath the first one.
    • Add Image: Click the image button to select and add an image from the file browser. Only while adding it is possible to set the image size using the zoom in/out buttons.

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These Appearance options reflect the Construction Points and Lines, not the Fence.

Function Description
Show all annotations Zoom out to annotation dataset extent.
Show location of annotations Show location and size of the annotations within the dataset. The location is drawn as bounding rectangles.
Reset text size Reset the sizes of text annotation objects to default on the current scale.
Annotation objects are given a default size referring to the scale at time of creation: this size will now be re-applied, with refrence to the current scale.
Toggle between scaled and unscaled text Text annotations are always displayed in points on screen on the map. Therefore the text will always be even big on the map, no matter which scale is used. To set a text in units on scale, select the annotation and enable the toggle button. The text will diplay in units on scale on the scale that is set while switching on the button. Switching off the button displays the selected text in points on screen again.

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Last modified:: 2024/11/04 19:47