This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Timeline Settings

This page documents the different Timeline Settings to make use of the Timeline functionality.
These Settings are only present if the Time is defined in the Resource Specs of the loaded resources.

Enable Time Filter Enable to show the added resources grouped on a Timeline.
Set Timeline by: A Timeline will be shown on each View, or one for the full workspace.
Group time instances by: Resources will be grouped on the Timeline per Day, Week, Month or Year.
Get Resource Group time instances by: When Resource groups are loaded in the workspace, choose if these will be grouped using the Time settings of the Resource Group = Parent, or the single resources inside the group = children.
Distribute time instances by: The interval spacing of resources shown on the Timeline will be distributed based on time or equally with fixed spacing.

Last modified:: 2023/01/09 12:48