This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Manage Asset Inventory Themes - Client/Server

This page documents only additional information for use of Asset Inventory in Client/Server.
It is recommended to read first Manage Asset Inventory Themes.

Setup new Master Project

Create Inventory Database

Optionally, you may want to organize each feature extraction project in a separated Inventory Database :

  1. Create Database Structure. Tables will be created by Orbit on Create New Themes.
  2. Setup EOS Database Connection to the newly created Database, see EOS Console > Resources > Databases.

Add EOS Resources

Optionally, you may need other GIS reference resources :

  1. Prepare (define Dataset CRS, Legend, … ) or Optimize resources to be used by Orbit using the Orbit Desktop Client.
  2. Setup EOS Resource Definition, see Resources > Datasets > Dataset Setup.

Setup EOS Workspace

Optionally, you may want to organize each feature extraction project in a separated Orbit Workspace :

  1. Create new or copy an existing workspace, Extension (Availability and Roles), Resources and Accessibility, see EOS Console > Workspaces.

Create Inventory Themes

Create new Inventory Themes

  1. Close Orbit EOS Console to avoid any EOS Console configuration conflicts!
  2. Start Orbit Desktop Client as Administrator user for both the Asset Inventory and EOS Console, see below “Asset Inventory Roles and Permissions”.
  3. Create Themes, see Manage Asset Inventory Themes.
    • Select the required database in the final step of the procedure.

Set Theme Permissions

Review Dataset Permissions of newly added Themes.

  1. Setup EOS Resource Definition, see Resources > Datasets > Dataset Setup.

Asset Inventory Roles and Permissions

Roles on extensions and permissions on datasets can be managed via the EOS Console, see EOS Roles and Permissions.

Roles on Asset Inventory

  • Administrator
    On top of tools and features available for Users and Operators, the “Administrator” role gives access to the Asset Inventory administration procedures to create, import, export, and remove themes.
  • Operator
    On top of tools available for Users, the “Operator” role gives access to the Asset Inventory Procedures to create, edit and remove inventory items.
  • User
    The “User” role gives access to the Asset Inventory Tab to search and view inventory items.

EOS Administrator

The Asset Inventory administration procedures, Create, Import, and Remove Theme affect the Orbit EOS configuration.
To operate these procedures the user must belong to the EOS usergroup “administrators”, see EOS Console.

File access

At Import and Export Theme the EOS Service requires file access to the selected resource files and/or file directory. Import or Export will be successful if the EOS Service can read the files and directory using the path defined by Desktop Client user.
Note mapped network drives are not available to an Operating System service, see Orbit Enterprise Service > File Access and Permissions.

Asset Inventory Themes and Databases

Inventory databases

Any server side available database connection can be used as inventory database. No restrictions nor conditions.
Define the database connections in the EOS console > Resources > Databases.

Manually Theme Setup

Inventory Themes are special datasets. All “dataset conditions” are automatically fulfilled when using the Asset Inventory administration procedures, see Manage Asset Inventory Themes.

However, it is possible to create and configure manually the Inventory Theme database table scheme. Following conditions must be respected :

Theme Table Scheme
Use the database management tool (Workbench, Navicat, Toad, …) to update Table Design and Add Table Columns.

  • Required System Dataset Attribute
    OG_ObBJ_ID (integer), AIM_CREATE_DATE_TIME (string), AIM_CREATE_USER (string), AIM_LAST_MOD_DATE_TIME (string), AIM_LAST_MOD_USER (string), AIM_REF_ID (string), AIM_ANNOTATION (string)
  • Optional Dataset Attributes
    All Table Columns without the “OG_” or ÄIM_“ prefix will be added to the Dataset Attribute Component in Orbit.
    Attribute Display Name or Rules must be edited directly in the Orbit Resource Descriptor.

Theme Declaration
Configure the Dataset as Inventory Theme by adding its internal EOS registry name into the themes.xml configuration file:
<Orbit installation directory>/server/data/datasets/inventories/themes.xml

Dataset Legend
Add the dataset (<theme>.odb) as Local Resources (not via EOS) to the Orbit Desktop Client and update the Dataset Legend, see Local vs EOS resources.

  • To load the odb-resources in the Orbit Desktop Client as a local resource make sure the Database Connection as used by the *.odb file is defined for the Orbit Desktop Client, see Database connection.
  • Drag and drop <theme>.odb file into Orbit Desktop Client to open, file location :
    <Orbit installation directory>/server/data/datasets/inventories

Theme Snapshot and Documents

Snapshots and Documents

Inventory Snapshots and Documents are stored in an open file structure by Inventory Theme and Object ID.
The default storage location is : <Orbit installation directory>/client/data/inventories/<theme>/<object id>/

Storage location and configuration can be adjusted via the according service configuration file1). :
<Orbit installation directory>/server/program/services/ext_inventory_suite/properties.ini

On doing Asset Inventory on large scale (+ 100,000 objects for one Theme) the Theme Snapshot Table can become very large. Indexing database the table columns “Name”, “Obj_id” and “Theme” is advised when an Inventory Object insert takes increasingly more time.

Convert inventory theme from 3D to 2D

A newly created inventory theme is been by default a 3D dataset. All objects will be saved with X,Y and Z.
If required it is possible to set the theme to a 2D dataset :

Adjust dataset coordinate model

Edit and adjust the coordinate model tag in the appropriated .odb file from “3D” to “2D” using a text editor.
<Orbit Installation>/server/data/datasets/inventories/<inventory database>/<theme>.odb

Update Z values

Only possible for point datasets.
Existing 3D points can be converted into 2D objects by updating their Z values using a database query :

Update <table_name>
Set OG_COORD_Z = 0

Unload dataset

Unload the EOS dataset to take advantage of the updated dataset structure, see Resources > Datasets > Dataset Setup

service configuration file : Service configuration updates requires EOS Service restart, see Orbit Enterprise Service.
Last modified:: 2023/01/09 12:48