This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Prepare MM Data Navvis Mx-Trolley

This page describes the Navvis Mx-Trolley resources for Orbit.
Using the according Orbit Import Template the described resources can be imported into Orbit

There is another export possibility from the NavVis software, for which there another template is available, see Prepare MM Data Navvis M3-Trolley v1

It is strongly recommended to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.


Image files

  • Image type : Equirectangular panoramas.
  • Image resolution : 8192×4096 pixels.
  • File format : Each image is one *.jpg file.
  • File name : Concat(LPad([file_id],5,“0”),“-pano”), e.g. 00000-pano, 00001-pano, 00002-pano, …
  • Folder structure : all files in one folder.

Image positions file

  • File format : One ascii *.csv or *.txt file.
  • File structure Rows : Each image is one record.
  • File structure Columns : Tab separated (char9), headers, with exact order as the example below.
  • Value “file_id” : Image file identifier.
  • Value of “dataset_location” coordinates : Projected coordinates, local height, decimal notation, no thousands separator.
id	location_x	location_y	location_z	orientation_q1	orientation_q2	orientation_q3	orientation_q4	floor_location_x	floor_location_y	floor_location_z	dataset_location_x	dataset_location_y	dataset_location_z	dataset_orientation_q1	dataset_orientation_q2	dataset_orientation_q3	dataset_orientation_q4	dataset_floor_location_x	dataset_floor_location_y	dataset_floor_location_z	dataset_id	camera_head	file_path	file_id	hidden
217	11.56750199	48.14941992	0.561644099	0.589322	-0.008946	0.002301	0.807845	11.56750272	48.14941842	-1.274013638	1.274323	0.328581	1.835658	0.799238	-0.007886	0.004809	0.600943	1.225878	0.159532	0	3	12	data/2015-12-23_11.33.22	0	FALSE
218	11.56750707	48.14942558	0.562949914	0.954003	-8.00E-05	0.004661	0.299762	11.56750517	48.14942488	-1.274013638	1.939104	0.639742	1.836964	0.999952	0.001282	0.004482	0.008613	1.778087	0.653964	0	3	12	data/2015-12-23_11.33.22	1	FALSE
219	11.56751802	48.14942989	0.563053194	0.961026	-0.000661	0.004206	0.276426	11.5675161	48.14942924	-1.274013638	2.882906	0.583681	1.837067	0.999867	0.000594	0.004217	-0.015757	2.723582	0.60279	0	3	12	data/2015-12-23_11.33.22	2	FALSE

Point Cloud

LiDAR files

  • File format : One or more supported point cloud files.
  • Value of Coordinates : Same references as Panorama Photo Positions, see above.
Last modified:: 2020/11/06 19:15