This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Prepare MM Data Cyclomedia Offline
This page describes the Cyclomedia Offline resources to be imported into Orbit using the according Orbit Import Template.
It is strongly recommended to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.
- Image type : Cyclorama, equirectangular panoramas
- Image resolution : ratio 2×1
- File format : each image is one *.jpg file
- File name : exactly as “ImageId” value of image positions file, see below
- Folder structure :
- Organized in sub folder(s) within “original” folder of the run.
- Sub folder name(s) : first 6 characters of “ImageId” value of image positions file, see below
- Example: ImageId = “WE08UPD2” → Path to that image file is <Orbit run>\Panorama1\Original\WE08UP\WE08UPD2.jpg
Image positions file
- File format: one *.xml file
- File structure: each image is one <recording> (see example below)
- Value of SRID (CRS): 4258
<Recordings> <Recording> <ExpiredAt i:nil="true" /> <GroundLevelOffset>2.1060504484612372</GroundLevelOffset> <Height>102.101141</Height> <HeightPrecision>0.013024134764261454</HeightPrecision> <ImageId>WE08UPD2</ImageId> <Images /> <JpgQuality>90</JpgQuality> <Latitude>51.0354252731202</Latitude> <LatitudePrecision>0.0131072680871501</LatitudePrecision> <Longitude>6.96743163358974</Longitude> <LongitudePrecision>0.00807691389698882</LongitudePrecision> <Orientation>0</Orientation> <OrientationPrecision>0.0054616170496814484</OrientationPrecision> <ProductType>Cyclorama</ProductType> <RecordedAt xmlns:a=""> <a:DateTime>2018-08-14T06:44:08.36Z</a:DateTime> <a:OffsetMinutes>120</a:OffsetMinutes> </RecordedAt> <RecorderDirection>8.8669980018476657</RecorderDirection> <RecorderGeneration>DCR10</RecorderGeneration> <RecordingSystem>WE6F</RecordingSystem> <SRID>4258</SRID> <SystemCalibration>WE6Y</SystemCalibration> <TileSchema>2</TileSchema> </Recording> </Recording> ... </Recording> <Recordings>
Last modified:: 2020/11/06 19:15