This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Data Preparation and Organization for Orbit 3DM Publisher Viewer

This page describes the best recommended practices in data preparation and organization to achieve consistently reliable high performance when Publishing big amount of data.


Orbit 3DM Publisher Viewer processes most requests on the end-user side, not on the Publishing server. Unlike previous generation of Orbit Viewer: Flash Viewer, HTML5 Viewer relies on data being optimized for streaming which means:

  • All data, except for 3D Mesh (see below), should be in native Orbit formats.
  • The performance is affected drastically by amount of resources, not their size - recommended maximum number of Runs in one Publication is not more than 20.
  • WM(T)S should be accessed with special Orbit Tile Map (otm) driver.
  • If a Publication contains at least one Resource not complaint with mandatory requirements, it will not open.

Mobile Mapping\UAS\Oblique data


To publish mobile mapping resources, data must be imported as Runs and organized into Projects.
It is possible to use Orbit 3DM Publisher Catalog on server to Import Runs. However it is highly recommended to have a dedicated Content Manager license and run data processing (Import and Merging Runs) on a separate machine with all resources being processed locally. All Mapping Runs\Oblique Projects included in a Publication have to be HTML5-ready, see Catalog > Cloud & HTML5.


  1. Import and process your data into mobile mapping runs using the “Import Run” procedure, see Manage Mobile Mapping Runs.
  2. Organize Runs into Projects using 3DM Orbit Publisher Catalog, see Manage Mobile Mapping Projects.
  3. Manage projects in EOS console, see EOS Console > Extensions.
  • All 'simple' resources (point cloud, photo positions, simplified trajectory) inside a Compound Resource (MM\UAS Run or Oblique Project) should be in the same projection system (CRS).
  • Only necessary attributes should be included in the photo positions locations.ovt files: Orbit system attributes and only those attributes which are of interest for end user if any. To strip photo positions of unnecessary attributes:
    1. Back up locations.ovt.
    2. Convert locations.ovt to *.ovf.
    3. Remove attributes through Dataset Structure - Structure.
    4. Convert *.ovf to locations.ovt and replace original file.
  • Runs belonging to one logical group should be physically merged into one Run (contrary creating Project containing multiple Runs) with Delivery.

Vector data


  • All vector layers should be converted to Orbit native formats. Use Convert Data or Optimize Data tools to convert supported vector formats into *.ovf or *.ovt.
  • Every vector layer must have Orbit Legend File (*.olg) and Orbit Resource Descriptor (*.ord) files accompanying it.
  • Vector layers of Point type must have Orbit Symbol Library (*.osl) file accompanying it. The easiest way to create *.osl file is:
    1. Copy the .osl file corresponding to the legend specified in *.olg file (can be checked in Legend editor) from ..\server\program\symbols.
    2. Paste it next to the .ovf file.
    3. Rename it to the same name as the vector file.


  1. Import and convert the vector files in an Orbit desktop product.
  2. Manage vector files in EOS console, see EOS Console > Resources > Datasets.


  • Remove all unnecessary attributes from vector files.
WFS services are currently not supported directly in the Viewer. However it is possible to overlay features available through WFS by accessing the Orbit Publication with one of the available plugins , Orbit 3DM Plugin for QGIS for example.

Point Cloud

A point cloud which is not part of a run/project can be added separately to a publication. This is possible via the <publication_name>.xml file. See below.


WM(T)S services

  • WM(T)S services are supported as local resources in Orbit Tile Map Service file (*.otm) format.
  • Manage .otm files in the Resources tab of the EOS console.

Georeferenced images

  • Georeferenced Orbit Multiresolution Image (*.omi) with accompanying *.ord file is also supported as basemap layer.
  • Manage and add georeferenced images as basemaps to a publication via the <publication_name>.xml file. See below.


Mesh datasets can be added to a publication via the <publication_name>.xml file. See below.
Supported type of mesh datasets:

  • Cesium b3dm using gltf storage type.
  • *.3dtiles, *.ord and *.ini files have to be available for Orbit to understand how to read cesium 3D tiles.
    • *.3dtiles is an empty text file
    • *.ini file can be empty or contain translation and scale of the mesh.


  1. Create folder 'publication_resources' in <installation folder>\server\program\services\publisher
  2. The <publication_name>.xml file should be added in 'publication_resources' folder. This file allows to add non-EOS resources into the publication with the name exactly the same as the one from the publication.

<publication_name>.xml example:

		<name>Mesh City Model</name>
		<name>SRTM Orthometric</name>
		<file>O:/Nasa/Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)/png_orthometric/srtm.omi</file>
		<name>Space Shuttle PointCloud</name>
		<file>O:\Nasa\Shuttle Pointcloud\spaceshuttle.opc</file>
Last modified:: 2019/06/06 05:55