This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Manage Mobile Mapping Projects

This page describes how to use to desktop mobile mapping procedures to manage and open your mobile mapping projects :

  • Create Project
  • Edit Project
  • Remove Project
  • Open Project
  • Close Project

It is strongly recommended to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.

Create Project

Create new projects

Create a new project from the list with available runs. Filer by name and use <Ctrl> and <Shift> button to select multiple runs. By default, for all Orbit desktop products, the projects are saved in: AppData\Local\Orbit\<Orbit software product>\mobile_mapping\projects . For all server products, by default the user chooses the location. This setting can be customized from : <Orbit Installation folder>\program\services\ext_mobile_mapping\properties.ini

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Create Project

Edit Project

Update the list of combined Runs

The “Edit Project” procedure can only be used by the administrator to update the opened project. This procedure will be disabled if no project is loaded.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Edit Project

Remove Project

Remove a Project, no runs will be deleted

Any of the combined runs nor the original data will be removed.
The project will be deleted and removed from the drop-down list with available projects. It will no longer be available to users and operators from the “Open Project” procedure.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Remove Project

  1. Select Mobile Mapping Project
    1. Choose a Mobile Mapping project from the drop-down list with available projects.
    2. Click the button “Remove Project” to delete the selected project from the list with available projects.
  2. Finish the procedure

Open Project

Open a Mobile Mapping project to view your data

The “Open Project” procedure can be used by users, operators and administrators to open a listed mobile mapping project.
When using Orbit Client-Server, permissions and access to open a mobile mapping projects must be set by the Orbit administrator.

Procedures > Mobile Mapping > Open Project

  1. Select Mobile Mapping Project
    1. Choose a Mobile Mapping project from the drop-down list with available projects.
      Filter the opened drop-down list via keyboard entries.
    2. Click the button “Open Project” to load the selected project.
      The Map will zoom to the extents of the opened mobile mapping project. If available the image positions will be displayed on map.
  2. Finish the procedure

    The Map will zoom to the extents of the opened mobile mapping project. If available the image positions will be displayed on map.
Last modified:: 2019/06/06 05:55