This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.
Resources > Datasets > Dataset Setup
At the left side all the available resources are listed.
- EOS Console > Resources > Datasets : Add, remove or copy a dataset
At the right side the selected dataset can be managed :
- Dataset Setup : the declaration of the dataset (described on this page)
- Dataset Use : the permissions on the dataset
- Registry Name : Enter the internal name of the selected resources. Do not use any special character nor spaces. Dot, dash and underscore are accepted.
The internal name of a remote resource will be completed automatically on selection and cannot be changed. - Display Name : Enter a free of choice display name. No character limitations.
Storage Specifications
Browse Local Resource
Enter (or paste) the file location (inclusive file name and extension) or browse the location of the local resource file.
- Resource file : Specify the location of the supported resource (vector, pointcloud, raster or image resource) file.
- Legend File : Optionally specify the location of the Orbit legend file (*.olg).
- Descriptor File : Optionally specify the location of the Orbit resource description file (*.ord).
By default Orbit will search and use automatically the .olg and .ord files in the same folder and having the same name as the spatial resource file.
Setup Remote Resource
Setup a connection to a remote service and add one of the served resources. More information about supported remote services, see Web Based Resources.
Click the “Setup Remote Resource” button to configure the remote resource :
Server :
- Name : Enter the internal name of the selected remote server. Do not use any special character nor spaces. Dot, dash and underscore are accepted.
- Type : Specify the remote server type.
- Location : Enter the connection url of the remote server.
- Username : If applicable, enter your username/login to connect to the remote service.
- Password : If applicable, enter your password to connect to the remote service.
- Test connection : Test the service connection, if not successfull review the enter connection url and credentials or consult the EOS log file.
Selected Resource :
- Select resource : Load service layer list and choose the layer to be added.
- Select / Cancel : Confirm (or cancel) all settings and add the remote resource to the EOS dataset list.
- Force Save : Save all currently unsaved client edits for this resource. This action may be useful prior to unloading.
- Unload : Unload this resource from the EOS memory. At first request the resource will be reloaded by EOS.
Unloading can be useful to force EOS to reload an on disk changed resource, legend or description file.
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36