This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Prepare and Import earthmine offline resources

This page describes the earthmine offline resource files and the Orbit import workflow.
Using the according Orbit Import Template there is a workflow to import the described resources into an Orbit Mapping Run.

It is strongly recommend to read first Concepts about Mobile Mapping data in Orbit.

Earthmine Account

Orbit supports use earthmine offline photo positions and panoramas as alternative of the earthmine online web services. The earthmine offline point cloud resources cannot be used.
Use of earthmine offline resources (photo positions and/or panoramas) is the same of the equivalent earthmine online web services. Earthmine offline resources can be combined with earthmine online services of other resource types.

In contrast to other Orbit Mapping Imports, there is no user interface procedure to import earthmine offline resources. The described workflow to import earthmine offline resources enables the optional offline use of earthmine data.

To use the earthmine online panoramas and point cloud services, see Connect to earthmine online web service.

Earthmine offline resource files


Image files

  • Image type : multi-resolution earthmine spherical images.
  • Image files : One image is stored as 126 files in 24 subfolders.
  • File format : *.jpg files.

Image positions file

  • File format : One ascii *.csv file.
  • File structure Rows : One record for each image.
  • File structure Columns : separated by vertical bar | (char124), no headers, with exact order as the example below.
  • Value of Timestamp : Absolute GPS time, decimal notation.
  • Value of Coordinates : CRS WGS84 EPSG 4326, geographical degrees, decimal notation.
1000022441926|6.59626632901|51.9178223605|29.815|174.039734|0.009144|1.013095|2013-04-06 11:28:40.040000|1.03544|-0.010529392629|0.006289480953|0.999924784331|3.122407631
1000022441927|6.59630052222|51.9177774018|29.876|144.865034|-0.780288|1.962503|2013-04-06 11:28:41.340000|1.03332|-0.03360479748|-0.016779566255|0.999294332888|3.14433697167
1000022441928|6.59635671285|51.917746436|30.01|127.522757|-1.106941|1.741513|2013-04-06 11:28:42.390000|0.987563|-0.026853114324|0.003109154463|0.99963455493|3.1409159334

Import Mapping Run

Using the earthmine online Import Template the required earthmine credentials can be entered to establish a successful connection to the earthmine web service.

How to create the Mapping Run, see Import 3D Mapping Data.

Import Photo Positions

Starting from the above described Image positions and orientations file :

  1. Prepare photo_positions.csv
    1. Replace | (char124) by ; semicolon (char59).
    2. Add header
  2. Copy photo_positions.csv to locations.ovf
    1. Drag and drop photo_positions.csv file in Orbit
    2. Drag and drop <mapping_run>/panorama1/locations.ovf file in Orbit
    3. Select all objects from photo_positions.csv dataset on Map 2D
    4. Save dataset locations.ovf

Copy Images

Starting from the above described Image positions and orientations file :

  1. copy folder “100”
  2. paste into <mapping_run>/panorama1/original/

Process Images

For reasons of performance it is strongly recommended to Optimize Imagery of Mapping Run.

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36