This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

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Process Properties

Calculate the BBA object point error

Default, this error calculation is not active as it speeds down the BBA process time. However, to make your BBA report more interesting - having knowledge about the BBA object point error per point/in general - activate this function.

View Scale of Detail Window

The view scale of detail window introduces the scale for viewing in the detail windows. The default value is 5.

DEM Grid Distance X / Y

The DEM Grid Distance X (m) introduces the grid distance for DEM measurements in the X-direction expressed in terrain system units. The default value is 50 meter.

The DEM Grid Distance Y (m) introduce the grid distance for DEM measurements in the Y-direction expressed in terrain system units. The default value is 50 meter.

Ortho PixelSize (m/px)

This value will influence the default pixelsize to create your ortho.

Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36