This is documentation of an archived release.
For documentation on the current version, please check Knowledge Base.

Dataset Context Menu

Right-click a dataset to open the dataset context menu.

Function Description
Dataset PropertiesOpens the Dataset Properties Window of the selected dataset.
There is access to various items through the tabs.
Default the tab “General” is opened, where it is possible to view and/or edit general information from the dataset:
user and unique name, format (*.ovf, *.omi, *.shp, …) and type (points, lines, areas, image or mixed) and scale range limits.
Attribute Table Opens the Attribute Table View of the selected dataset.
Join Tables Opens Join Tables Window to join external data with the selected dataset.
Labels Opens the Labeling Editor to edit the labels of the selected dataset that represent attribute values.
Legend Editor Opens the Legend Editor to edit the appearance of the selected dataset.
Charts Editor Opens the Charts Editor to edit the pie charts of the selected dataset.
View MetadataView the Metadata of the selected dataset.
Show Legend Display Display the legend of the selected dataset in the Dataset List.
SoloViewOnly view the selected dataset, temporary hide all other datasets.
SoloSafeThis dataset will always be visible, even if another dataset is set to Soloview
Zoom To Dataset ExtentZoom to overview all objects of the selected dataset. It is interesting to use the Dataset Extent Function
when the location of the dataset-objects is unknown.
Arrange Change the display order of the dataset.
It is also possible to drag and drop a datast in the DataSet List to change its order.
Bring to Front Bring the selected dataset to the top of the dataset list.
Bring Forward Bring the selected dataset one place up in the dataset list.
Send Backward Send the selected dataset one place down in the dataset list.
Send to Back Send the selected dataset to the bottom of the dataset list.
Set Scale Limits Quick access to use the current map scale as dataset scale range limit, see Dataset Properties Inspect.
Coordinate Reference System Define or Transform the dataset coordinate system.
All information about coordinate systems can be read here : Coordinate Reference Systems in Orbit
Define Dataset CRS Declare / set / specify the dataset CRS. This will not convert the Dataset CRS.
Convert Dataset CRS Transfrom and Reproject the spatial component of the selected dataset.
Convert Dataset to MapCanavs CRS Transfrom and Reproject the spatial component of the selected dataset to the current MapCanvas CRS.
Save Dataset As … Save the selected datataset (image or vector resources) with another name but using the same storage format and resource specifications (e.g. image compression).
Export Dataset To … Export the active vector dataset and set file name and supported format. Note that used export format must support the dataset structure of the source dataset, see Vector dataset structure concepts.
Export image dataset use Convert Imagery tool as image parameters (like compression) must be set.
Last modified:: 2019/03/25 11:36