Language Snapshot Utility

The Language Snapshot Utility does the following actions :

  1. Connect to the online translations database.
  2. Download all available translations for the specified language.
  3. Save the translations locally on your Orbit installation, ready for testing.

When Orbit is started, the locally saved language snapshot will overrule the embedded Orbit translations.
This snapshot makes it possible to preview the translations without modifying the software / without a software rebuild is required.

Download and Install

Download the Language Snapshot Utility :

Install by unzipping the archive to : <Orbit installation directory>/program.
This will create subfolder _translator. So you need to have <Orbit installation directory>/program/_translator.

Edit Configuration

To configure, edit : <Orbit installation directory>/program/_translator/config/translator.ini

Setting Description Example
service.username your translation editor login louis
service.password your translation editor password. louis123
snapshot.language The internal name of the language to fetch translations for. francais

Run Snapshot Script

To run, Execute : <Orbit installation directory>/program/_translator/bin/LanguageSnapshot.bat

The Language Snapshot Utility will download the translation snapshot onto your local Orbit installation.
By default, the snapshot overrides the default system language file : <Installation directory>/program/config/orbit.english.ini
See Orbit Translation Settings.

Example Execute script

When running the utility, you only need to pay attention to the lines starting with [LanguageSnapshot].
This is an example of a successful download of all French translations :

36:t64: [LanguageSnapshot] : Gateway is ''
37:t64: [LanguageSnapshot] : Force update : true
38:t64: [LanguageSnapshot] : Target File : '..\..\config\orbit.english.ini'
39:t2088: [LanguageSnapshot] : Logged in
40:t2421: [LanguageSnapshot] : Updating english.
41:t6661: [LanguageSnapshot] : Translation file size : 568.0KiB
42:t7143: [LanguageSnapshot] : Logged out.
47:t7151: [ExitManager] : Successfully completed the shutdown
Last modified:: 2019/11/28 16:11