Upload data to Reality Management

This video is about uploading point clouds to Reality Management. Any type of data structured or unstructured can be uploaded.

Step by step

  1. Sign in to the Connection Client
  2. Open the Orbit 3DM Import and Upload tool
  3. Connect to an iTwin
  4. Optimize resources (Optionally)
  5. Verify the ready for upload status (Optionally)
  6. Upload resources to iTwin
    • Data will be stored and available for download
  7. Open resources in the Reality Data Web Viewer

Used Data

Two files are going to be uploaded, one at a time:

  • a .laz file, non optimized reality data for web viewing. Steaming this data in the viewer of the iTwin.js platform is not possible.
  • a .opc file, optimized reality data for web viewing. Steaming this data in the viewer of the iTwin.js platform is possible.

Reference Documentation

Last modified:: 2024/05/16 16:02