Orbit 3DM Plugin for QGIS

This video is about how the Orbit 3DM Plugin can be used to visualize reality data from Orbit 3DM Publisher or Cloud in a 3rd party application. The Orbit 3DM Viewer can interact with the application to navigate, synchronize, save measurements, overlay object.
Download and Install Orbit 3DM Plugin for QGIS.

Step by step

  1. Open QGIS
  2. Open the 3DM Mapping Viewer
    • Connect to one Publication
  3. Create one new vector layer (type point/line/polygon) or add an already existing vector layer
    • Toggle editing
  4. Add vector objects in QGIS
    • Save edits
  5. Inspect the objects in the Orbit 3DM Viewer
  6. Create measures in the Orbit 3DM Viewer
    • Add the measurements to the active layer in QGIS
    • Save edits
  7. Pick a new location in the map canvas to open in the Orbit 3DM Viewer
  8. Show or hide the footprints

Used Data

Reference Documentation

Last modified:: 2023/10/16 13:52