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User Roles

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User Roles and their Permissions

Following User Roles are available.


The owner has full control and covers the role of the Billing Agent and the Subscription Manager, Resource Manager, Sharing Manager, and User Manager. There is always and only one account Owner.

Account Administrator

Account Administrators cover the Role of the Subscription Manager, Resource Manager, Sharing Manager, and User Manager.

Subscription Manager

Subscription Managers can:

Upgrade, downgrade, cancel, and reactivate the account's subscription. Consult the Statistic Dashboards.

Resource Manager

Resource Managers can:

Upload Resources, edit Specs & Tags, change Ownership of Resources, and delete Resources they own. Create, edit Specs & Tags, update, and delete Resource Groups. Create and setup Publications. Open and view all Resources owned by the organization, also Resources for which they do not have explicit permission. Open and view all Publications owned by the organization, also Publications for which they do not have explicit permission. Consult the Statistic Dashboards.

Sharing Manager

Sharing Managers can:

Invite internal and external Named Users and Teams to share Resources, Resource Groups, and Publications. Allocate Guest Users to share Publications. Consult the Statistic Dashboards.

User Manager

User Managers can:

Invite, activate, deactivate, and delete the Named Users. Create, update, and delete Teams. Consult the Statistic Dashboards.

Read more about Named Users and Teams.

Named User

Named Users can:

Access the Console, but cannot administer. Access the Viewer to use and open Resources for which they have explicit permission.

Read more about Named Users and Teams.

Billing Agent

Billing Agents can:

Update the payment information. Access billing information and invoices.

Last modified:: 2020/06/09 14:54