Navigate Panorama

Image view on Mobile Mapping tab

The aim of this exercise is to show the user how to open, view and navigate the panorama images present in a run. The user will also be able to understand the Mobile Mapping tab functionalities and the options of the sidebar related to image visualization.


Reference documentation

Preceding Exercises

Manage Orbit Runs and Projects



Open view, navigate the images and change preferences using the sidebar

  1. Open run
    BE Gent by Topcon.
  2. Open View
    Open a panoramic image in the driving direction.
  3. Navigate
    Move around the image.
  4. Navigate
    Switch to other panoramic images. Use different techniques, including clicking on another photoposition, use Next/Previous or focus on an object in a different image.
  5. Change overlay preferences
    Do not display photo positions and view information.
  6. Copy to clipboard
    Take a snapshot of the view and copy it to the clipboard.
  7. Auto play through images.
  8. Open view
    Open two images, facing a bridge and open them with only one click on the Map 2D.

