Coordinate Reference Systems

This page describes the use and application of Coordinate Reference Systems in Orbit.
For basic concepts and theory about the coordinate system, datum and projection, see Coordinate Reference System in Theory.
For information on CRS related to Mapping Resources, see Coordinate Reference Systems for Mapping Resources

Orbit supports Horizontal and Vertical Coordinate Reference Systems.
Geographic and projected Horizontal CRS can be used and combined on the fly. Geocentric CRS are supported but need be converted upon import to a supported Geographic or Projected CRS. Use of CRS units foot (ft) or US survey foot (USft) required special attention.

Horizontal CRS Definitions

EPSG registry

Orbit has the objective to support the most recent definition of horizontal coordinate reference systems as defined by the OGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) and described in the EPSG library. Orbit respects the order of axes as defined by the EPSG Library.

Supported Projection methods (EPSG Code).
Missing methods are added upon request, contact Orbit support.

Supported Transformation methods (EPSG Code).
Missing methods and local grid-based corrections are added upon request, contact Orbit support.

Local Horizontal Definitions

Orbit supports Local Horizontal CRS and Grid Corrections as defined by local authorities.

Adding available Local Horizontal Definitions

Local Horizontal CRS definitions are not available by default.

  1. Download, unzip, and copy the CRS configuration files into the Orbit CRS directory
    <Orbit installation directory>/program/system/crs/
  2. Restart Orbit.
    The Local Horizontal CRS definitions are linked automatically to the corresponding EPSG code.

Request New Local Horizontal Definitions

New definitions are added upon request, contact Orbit support.

About OSTN02 and OSTN15

Related to OSTN02 and OSTN15 for ESPG 27700, 29901 and 29903.

Custom Horizontal CRS

Orbit supports Custom Horizontal CRS via a Prj file as defined by the OGC.

Copy the OGC structured Prj file into the Orbit CRS directory and restart Orbit:
<Orbit installation directory>/program/system/crs/

The following file name syntax must be applied to the copied Prj file:

The Custom Horizontal CRS will be available via the Orbit CRS Window by entering a) the projection name as stated in the prj content, b) its number as used in the prj file name, or c) via the CRS By Country list under Undefined Area.

Data Transformation

Orbit embeds the latest set of TOWGS84 transformation parameters known by the EPSG library.

Customization for the Geodetic CRS can be set via <Install Dir>/program/system/crs/transformations_to_4326.ini.

Snake Grids

Snake Grids are supported in orbit as Local Horizontal Definitions, see above.
These specific horizontal definitions combine a correction grid and a local projection.

World Coordinates To Snake Grid Coordinates

ETRS89/WGS84 coordinates > GSB > Corrected ETRS89/WGS84 coordinates1) > Local Projection > Snake Grid coordinates

The Grid Shift Binary (GSB) defines the raster to interpolate a correction for each global lat/lon coordinate(WGS84/ETRS89) to a corrected coordinate referencing an intermediate reference frame.
Next, a custom horizontal projection is applied to obtain cartesian coordinates from the geographic coordinates.

Inverted CRS definitions

Orbit follows CRS specifications, including the order of axis, as defined by the EPSG Authority.

Unfortunately, local authorities or other software might invert the order of axis to store or serve geospatial data. Especially for CRS defined to be Northing-Easting, data is often stored and served Easting-Northing. To consume user data provided as Easting-Northing, but defined by EPSG as Northing-Easting, Orbit introduced the Inverted CRS of an existing EPSG Code.
The inverted CRS are in the range of 3 million. E.g ESPG 3001 (NE) and 3003001 (EN).

All CRS defined by EPSG to be Northing-Easing are pre-added to the list of Inverted CRS, and any EPSG code can be added to this list: <Install Dir>/program/system/crs/inverted.ini

Vertical CRS Definitions

Global and Local Vertical CRS

Orbit supports Global and Local Geoid references for the combined use of WGS84 Ellipsoidal and Orthometric height.
New definitions are added upon request, contact Orbit support.

Vertical CRS definitions are not available by default. This means that the vertical CRS can't be assigned to a horizontal CRS without relying on a resource representing the Geoid height. This resource doesn't exist by default in the software's installation folder.

  1. Download, unzip and copy the CRS configuration files into the Orbit CRS directory :
    <Orbit installation directory>/program/system/crs/
  2. Verify and enter if missing the EPSG codes (semicolon separated) of the Horizontal CRS that needs to be linked to the Vertical CRS into following Vertical CRS configuration file :
    vertical_<EPSG Vertical CRS>.ini
    For example: 4326;3395;31370
  3. Restart Orbit.

Custom Vertical CRS

Orbit supports Custom Vertical CRS via a Geoid Height Raster definition.

In cooperation with the Orbit Support team, Geoid reference resource files can be converted into the required Orbit CRS configuration files.
One of the following resources representing the Geoid height 2) can be used to create the CRS configuration files :

Custom Vertical CRS via Offset or Scaling

Scaled and offset vertical CRS definitions. Custom Vertical CRS relies on already existing EPSG codes.

Into the Orbit CRS directory :<Orbit installation directory>/program/system/crs/ :

  1. Define the type transformation
    type offset
  2. Enter the EPSG codes (semicolon separated) of the Horizontal CRS that needs to be linked to the Vertical CRS.
    For example: 4326;3395;31370
  3. Add the value of the offset.
    For example:
    vertical.offset 20

Restart Orbit to acknowledge in the software the new custom CRS.

Datum Transformation

Datum transformations are applied as defined by EPSG on XY coordinates. Z values are conserved as is, and no transformation is applied.
Datum transformation on Z values can be enabled e.g. to combine multiple 3D data resources with different ellipsoid height definitions.

See Orbit Desktop Startup Configurations > Datum Transformation on Z coordinate

Imperial CRS, International Feet and US Survey Feet

Projected CRS using International feet (ft) or US survey feet (ftUS) units require special attention.

The Orbit Core and Map Components support Projected CRS using ft and ftUS. Orbit uses as the reference database. In the United States, the Federal definition of the CRS is metric at all times, but State law defines the CRS in International feet or US survey feet.

Some Extensions expect data to be stored as meters or degrees to operate properly.
When converting ft or ftUS Projected CRS into the equivalent Metric Projected CRS, display units can still be set to Imperial values. Display differs from storage.

Orbit CRS Settings


All visible Datasets are re-projected on-the-fly into the Map CRS, if the Dataset CRS differs from the Map CRS. Orbit supports imagery to be reprojected.

The Map CRS can be set to any supported geographic or projected (Metric, Imperial) CRS.
For optimal rendering performance, it is advised to set the Map CRS to be the same as the Dataset CRS of the visible Datasets to avoid on-the-fly reprojection. When having multiple Dataset CRS, set the Dataset CRS of the Dataset with the most vertices as Map CRS. 3).
If no Datasets are visible in the workspace, then the first visible Dataset CRS will set the Map CRS.

The Map CRS can be set via Map Statusbar.
The Map CRS is stored in Orbit GIS Workspace file.
The Start-Up Map CRS can be set and locked via Preferences of Map View.

Dataset CRS

Orbit applies a CRS for every Dataset. If no Dataset CRS is set, Orbit assumes the Dataset CRS to be the same as the Map CRS.
When combining Datasets with the different CRS, it is advised to define the CRS for every Dataset.

The Dataset CRS must be set correctly to any supported geocentric, geographic, or projected CRS.

The Dataset CRS can be set via Context Menu > Dataset Properties Inspect.
The Dataset CRS is stored in the Orbit Resource Descriptor file.

Measurement Units

Absolute measurements (2D and 3D Coordinates) use the MapCanvas CRS. In case the vertical MapCanvas CRS is in feet, then the Z-coordinate will be visualized in feet in the measurement sidebar.

see Preferences of Map View

Intermediate Reference Frame
Local Vertical CRS Definitions, Geoid height represents the height offset from Geoid reference to Ellipsoid reference. A Digital Terrain or Surface Model is not a Geoid Model.
Re-projecting datasets from their source Dataset CRS into another target Map CRS requires processing time. Consequently, large vector or point cloud resources will take more time to load and will slow down map rendering. It is advised to avoid on-the-fly re-projection by setting the Map CRS to be the same as the Dataset CRS.