
This page describes the original Siteco mobile mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.


Image files

Image positions file

File	X/Long	Y/Lat	Z	Roll	Pitch	Heading
ladybugImageOutput_00000000.jpg	680801.638677174	4932887.136240140	81.276612748	-0.021150	-0.017841	-1.914791
ladybugImageOutput_00000001.jpg	680800.854580450	4932885.230204490	81.276298839	-0.024719	-0.026458	-2.051670
ladybugImageOutput_00000002.jpg	680799.883748140	4932883.467978530	81.280256806	-0.015858	-0.026158	-2.082066
