Dataset Legend : General Settings

This page describes all functions of the Orbit desktop Legend Editor “General” tab :

Dataset List > Dataset Context Menu > Legend Editor > General
Dataset List > Dataset Context Menu > Dataset Properties > Legend Editor General


Legend File and Location : Storage location of the dataset Orbit Legend File (*.olg).
Legend Description : Optional description, useful when having multiple legend files for one dataset. This description can be added to the Legend Display via the checkbox below.

Render Models in this sequence

It is possible to set the order of rending models within one dataset. Overlying models will cover underlying models. It is advised to respect the model spatial type, from top to bottom : points, lines, areas and image models.

Select the model and use the appropriated Up and Down buttons at the bottom.

Scale Ranges for Models

Restrict the display of spatial (objects) and layout (labels, pie charts) component of each dataset model on Map 2D to a well defined scale range. Outside scale ranges the components won't be displayed.
To set a single scale range limit for the entire dataset and for more information about scale range limits, see Dataset Properties Inspect.

Remarks on dataset legend scale range limits :