Phoenix Lidar UAS

This page describes the original Phoenix Lidar aerial mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Orbit Mapping Resource.


Image files

Image positions files

# Columns: Filename, Vehicle Latitude, Vehicle Longitude, Vehicle Altitude, Vehicle Yaw, Vehicle Pitch, Vehicle Roll, Receptor Latitude, Receptor Longitude, Receptor Altitude, Receptor Yaw, Receptor Pitch, Receptor Roll, P4D Omega, P4D Phi, P4D Kappa, Time GNSS Week, Time GNSS TOW, Time GNSS Abs, Time GNSS Rel, Time GNSS Int, Time Cam Abs, Time Cam Rel, Time Cam Int, Time Host Retrieval, FrameCount Cam, Error Code, Error String
cam0-000-000000-0.jpg, 55.789414897, 37.797834321, 167.893, 170.157, -178.135, -178.630, 55.789416393, 37.797834304, 167.824, 82.213, -57.384, -92.826, 4.955, 32.278, -12.047, 2119, 387535.306630, 1 281 958 735 306 630, 0, , -1, 0, , 1 281 958 737 654 000, -1, 0,
cam0-000-000001-0.jpg, 55.789414897, 37.797834321, 167.893, 170.157, -178.130, -178.634, 55.789416393, 37.797834304, 167.824, 82.221, -57.380, -92.834, 4.951, 32.283, -12.048, 2119, 387537.406949, 1 281 958 737 406 949, 2 100 319, 2 100 319, -1, 0, , 1 281 958 739 668 000, -1, 0,

Camera calibration information

# Camera settings at export: ... ,"receptors":[{"distortion":{"k1":-0.06567,"k2":0.0773,"k3":0.01971,"p1":0,"p2":0},"focalLength":{"x":15.89,"y":15.89},"pixelCount":{"x":6000,"y":4000},"principalPoint":{"x":2987.96,"y":1959.91},"size":{"x":23.4,"y":15.6},"transform"...

The camera calibration parameters from this file must be entered before clicking Create Run, the 1st step of the Import Run procedure.
To facilitate import, your specific camera calibration values can be registered inside the Orbit template to avoid entering these values at each import. Contact Orbit Support if assistance is needed.


Point cloud files

See Import Run for more information on template usage and CRS selection

Long(X) Lat(Y) Z R G B I
4.40487692010655 50.8510926423286 125.763312461527 16 17 19 46
4.40487698750245 50.8510916370433 125.761583937394 16 17 19 46