
This page describes the desktop extension “Catalog” for Mapping and Reference Resources.

Sidebar: Main Toolbar > Extensions > Catalog
Tabs: Catalog


What and Why

The “Catalog” provides an overview and detailed information of all references and mapping resources. It also manages the lifecycle and upload of your Reference and Mapping Resources.
The interactive combination of the map (geographical information), table (overview), and sidebar (detailed information) results in a powerful resource management tool.

Reference and Mapping Resources

“Reference Resources” are single data type resources: vector dataset, orthophoto, point cloud or reality mesh.
“Mapping Resources” combine geotagged photos with optional reference resources (except vector data)

Web Readiness

Reference and Mapping Resources require to be well-prepared to be used by “Orbit 3DM Viewer” (part of “Orbit 3DM Publisher” and “Orbit 3DM Cloud”) or “Orbit PhotoNavigation” (part of “Bentley ContextShare”).
Only Web-Ready Catalog Resources can be uploaded to “Orbit 3DM Cloud” or “Bentley ContextShare”.

Resource Metadata and Properties

Resource status, statistics, content, and properties are calculated and updated at “Review Image Availability” and “Review Data for Web Readiness”, see Catalog Context Menu.

Archived Resources

Archive resources of finished projects to keep an up-to-date and relevant overview. In other words, restrict resources to these you currently working on.
Archived resources are hidden from the Catalog and not available to open. These resources remain available if needed and can be unarchived at any time.

Adding Resources to Catalog

In “Orbit 3DM Content Manager” and “Import and Upload Tool” resources opened in Orbit are automatically added to the Catalog.
In “Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction” resources need to be added manually via the Dataset List Dataset Context Menu.

The right-hand sidebar lists detailed information of a single selected catalog resource, summarized information of multiple selected resources, and grand totals if no resource is selected.

Run / Resource

General information, last known location, and quick access to the open file location for “Available” resources.


Mapping Resource metadata that can be entered at “Import Run” and updated via “Edit Run”, see Catalog Context Menu or Import Run.

Tab, General Use

Open and View from Table

Open and View from Map

Activate the “Map Select” function using the Select-Icon from the Catalog header and hover above Map 2D.
A resource can be selected and opened if its name appears as a label on the mouse pointer. The selected resource is highlighted on Map 2D and in the catalog table.

Map Display, Catalog Preferences:

Catalog Context Menu

Right-click Catalog table record(s).

Tab, Table Columns


The display of Resource Envelope or Resource Simplified Trajectory of listed Catalog Resources.

Mapping Resource color, Catalog Preferences:

Unique Color or Mapping and Reference Resources can be updated by with a single click on the color field.
Note if a resource is selected in the catalog table, the selection preference focus color will be used.


Mapping Resources go through a series of steps from data collection to delivery to be used for publishing or feature extraction.
The status of your mobile mapping run is displayed by the status indicator :


Trajecotry - Panoramas - Planars


Web Ready

The Web Readiness indicator (Green/Yellow/Red) is updated by “Review Data for Web Readiness”.
To verify the completeness of Mapping Resource photo positions and photo files, the “Review Image Availability” check must be completed first.

Web Readiness indicator:

The tooltip on the Web Readiness Indicator shows the reason why the Mapping Resource is not ready for upload.
Resolve the issue and trigger again the “Review Data for Web Readiness”.

Web Ready Requirements

Reasons data is not Web Ready


The physical availability of the resource files on disk is displayed by the green/red indicator in the “Available” field.