Access Orbit 3DM Viewer

This page describes how to access the Orbit 3DM Viewer for Orbit 3DM Publisher or Orbit 3DM Cloud.
For more information on the Orbit 3DM Viewer, see Orbit 3DM Viewer.

From Orbit 3DM Publisher

Specfic Publication

Access to a single, specific publication is available for both Login and Guest User

<Orbit 3DM Publisher Service>/publication/<Publication Name>?x=<value>&y=<value>&crs=<value>&pan=<value>&tilt=<value>

Publications Portal

Access to the Publications Portal is available for a Login User only.
This portal lists all Publications shared with the Login. Publications that do not require a Login are not listed.

<Orbit 3DM Publisher Service>/publications/
<Orbit 3DM Publisher Service>/viewer/

From 3DM Cloud

Via 3DM Cloud Website:

Publication URL query arguments

The following arguments can be added to the publication URL. This applies to the 3DM Publisher and 3DM Cloud.


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