Dataset Properties Inspect

The Storage Properties panel contains information about the username and projection of the dataset. It also manages the global scale limits.

Right-Click on the dataset in the Datasets & Dataset Lists > Context menu > Dataset Properties > Inspect

Storage Properties
Username This is the name of the dataset as displayed in the Context Menu. By entering a new name the username can be changed easily.
DataSet Shows the location of the dataset on the computer or the Registry Name of the dataset defined by the EOS-Console.
Format Shows the format of the dataset. (ovf, shp, omi,…)
Location Shows the locationtype of the dataset: Local or EOS.
Projection Displays the Coordinate Reference System of the dataset. If no CRS is set the projection will be “undefined”.
Click the “Change” button to set or modify the dataset CRS.
To re-project the dataset to anorher CRS, the Convert tool must be used
More information about the dataset CRS, read Coordinate Reference Systems.

Scale Range Limits

Restrict the display of the entire dataset on Map 2D to a well defined scale range. Outside scale ranges the dataset won't be displayed.
To set different scale range limits for each dataset model or spatial (objects) and layout (labels, pie charts) components, see Dataset Legend : General Settings

The dataset won't be displayed if :

Remarks on scale range limits :