Prepare Navvis M3 Data

This page describes the original Navvis M3 Trolley-V1 indoor mobile mapping resources for Orbit import.

Use the corresponding Orbit Import Template to import the described original data.
It is recommend to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.


Image files

Image positions file

# pano poses v1.0: ID; filename; timestamp; pano_pos_x; pano_pos_y; pano_pos_z; pano_ori_w; pano_ori_x; pano_ori_y; pano_ori_z
0; 00000-pano.jpg; 1504026537.874764; 1.028317; -0.210941; 1.737157; 0.998308; 0.044307; -0.011314; -0.035915
1; 00001-pano.jpg; 1504026543.585000; 1.610263; -0.283979; 1.734571; 0.996753; 0.044530; -0.003965; -0.066962
2; 00002-pano.jpg; 1504026556.104744; 2.507207; -0.492680; 1.735844; 0.994825; 0.039811; -0.005441; -0.093319

Point Cloud

LiDAR files

By default, the NavVis software exports the pointclouds as .ply files. To transform a pointcloud in.ply format to an Orbit supported format, widely available free third party software can be used.