Automated procedures with scripts in 3DM Content Manager

This page describes how to use scripts to automize procedures from the 3DM Content Manager.


Copy the license file from the Appdata folder …\AppData\Local\Orbit GT\Orbit 3DM Content Manager\licenses_v20.X.ini to the system folder in the installation of the 3DM Content Manager D:\Program Files\Orbit GT\Orbit 3DM Content Manager 20.X.0\program\system before using the scripts.

Available scripts

The scripts underneath are by default available in the 3DM Content Manager. Edit the batch file to enter the values according to what is requested. The batch files can be found in the corresponding folder in ..\Program Files\Orbit GT\Orbit 3DM Content Manager 20.X.0\program\bin_scripts.

Convert Vector Data

This script converts multiple vector files from one specific format to another.
Edit the batch file DoConvertVectorData.bat.

Optimize Imagery

This script optimizes the images of al the given runs.
Edit the batch file DoOptimizeImagery.bat. Add more lines to optimize the images of multiple runs.

Custom made scripts

For custom made scripts, library (oslib) and batch (bat) files need to be added to the installation of the 3DM Content Manager.

Edit the .bat to fill in the necessary information depending on the script.