Prepare ViaTech MM Resources

This page describes ViaTech mobile mapping resources for Orbit.
Using the according Orbit Import Templates the described resources can be imported into Orbit.

It is strongly recommend to read first Concepts of Mobile Mapping and UAS data in Orbit.


Image files

Image positions file

Filename	Long/X	Lat/Y	Z	Pan	Tilt	Roll	TimeStamp
ladybugImageOutput_00000001	550946.958145707	6627902.04998487	19.2222621833699	178.853505404106	-1.55588109154541	1.56344287275392	636100542064383827
ladybugImageOutput_00000002	550947.131606517	6627892.04402918	18.7484467794478	179.161833576005	-1.09467227771932	1.51656886829304	636100542081284357
ladybugImageOutput_00000003	550947.243574104	6627882.04390269	18.383884387537	179.153573765141	-0.360071756279569	1.68053160731953	636100542091584544

Camera calibration

Camera calibration settings are included in the Orbit Template.


Point cloud files