Orbit Oblique Flash Web Viewing

The Orbit Oblique Publisher makes it possible to publish Oblique content within a browser over the internet or in a local network.

This page describes only the use of an Orbit publication within a browser.
For all other use, management or requirements review : Orbit 3DM Publisher


Open Publication

Open Publication at default startup position :
http://<server name>:<port>/publications/<publication name>/index.html

Open Publication at XY :
http://<server name>:<port>/publications/<publication name>/index.html?x=<X-coordinate>&y=<Y-coordinate>&crs=<EPSG code>

Open Publication at PhotoId
http://<server name>:<port>/publications/<publication name>/index.html?photoId=<project>/<photo id>

Map component

Change basemaps, navigation and measure on the map, search oblique images by searching by geocoding, XY or objects on the map.

Oblique component