Orbit GIS Workspace file

One can define a workspace as a session in Orbit that includes the imported datasets and the exact position on the map in the indicated Coördinate Reference System.
A workspace is saved as a range of settings including a list of datasets and view preferences. It bundles your choice of datasets and settings into a single file for easy and fast recovery.


The .ogw-file (Orbit GIS Workspace) is a text file with .ogw extension.
It has the following structure:


The imported Datasets in Orbit are saved in the Workspace file. Following properties are stored:

Datasetlist Options

The Datasetlist Options determine the appearance of the datasets in Orbit. The dataset properties for each dataset are stored:

Map Position

The Map Position options apply to the X,Y position of the map, the indicated scale and the current Workspace CRS.

Reasons to use

Create and Update

A Workspace file (.ogw) can be created, opened and saved from the Main Toolbar > Workspace.