Prepare Oblique Data Vexcel

This page describes how to prepare Vexcel Ultracam Osprey oblique resources for Orbit.
Using the vexcel_ultracam_osprey Orbit import template prepared Osprey resources can be imported into Orbit.
It is strongly recommend to read first: Understand Oblique data in Orbit


Image files

Image positions and orientations files

Session; Camera;    Nr;      X;              Y;                  Z;             Rot_X;       Rot_Y;       Rot_Z;
 ;       2;         291;     532979.5550;    5213578.0570;       1432.9740;    -0.26064;     0.21105;     0.82629; 
 ;       2;         292;     532981.8480;    5213465.5580;       1432.6380;    -0.26442;     0.18207;     0.87048; 
 ;       2;         293;     532983.9830;    5213351.9270;       1432.0760;    -0.26001;     0.21834;     0.02574;

Camera calibration

Camera;	     Name;	 Type;	      Pixel_Size;     Width;	  Height;	Principal_Distance;	   PPA_X;	 PPA_Y;
2;	     ;      	 ObliqueBwd;   0.006;	      53.4;	   39.9;	123;	                   0;	         0;
3;	     ;   	 ObliqueFwd;   0.006;	      53.4;	   39.9;	123;	                   0;	         0;
4;	     ;   	 ObliqueLeft;  0.006;	      53.4;	   39.9;	123;	                   6.75;	 0;
5;	     ;   	 ObliqueRight; 0.006;	      53.4;	   39.9;	123;	                  -6.75;	 0;  

For every camera it is required to review and adjust the default Orbit template camera calibrations, prior to the import.
<Orbit installation directory>/program/ext/obliques/project/template/<template_name>/planar<1,2,3,4>/import/import_locations.ord


Raster file