Manage your Mobile Mapping Runs

This page describes the desktop mobile mapping administration procedures to manage your mobile mapping runs :

It is strongly recommended to read first Understand Mobile Mapping data in Orbit.
Runs are only available to administrators, Projects can be made available to all users but permissions must be granted by the Orbit administrator.
Don't worry if you are using Orbit standalone products, you are an administrator. When using Orbit Client-Server all users have a well defined role / level of use.

Open Run

Open an available run / an imported run

The “Open Run” procedure can only be used by the administrator to open or load a single Orbit processed run.

Procedure > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Open Run

Import Run

Import a raw set of data

To use mobile mapping data in Orbit, the raw data needs to be processed into a “run” using an “import template”.
The administration procedure “Import Run” (previously “Create Run”) allows the Orbit administrator to import a raw set of mobile mapping data.

The import procedure will be different depending the selected import template according the type of Mobile Mapping data. All import configurations like the available components, camera heights, calibrations and coordinate systems are stored within this template.
It is necessary to prepare and structure the data properly in accordance to used import template : MM Data Preparation and Import Templates. All

The Import Run procedure is not available for Orbit MM Explorer.
The Explorer is not able to import and process raw data. Data must be processed as Orbit Run to be added into an Explorer.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Import Run

Add Run

Add / Append a processed Orbit Run

The “Add Run” procedure can only be used by the administrator to append one or more Orbit processed runs to the list of available runs in Orbit. This procedure generates an application pointer file to the run's storage location.

If you are adding an Orbit processed run it will not be required to re-process photo positions and point cloud
The Add Run procedure is the only way to get mobile mapping data into an Orbit MM Explorer.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Add Run

Edit Run

Re-import data to the opened Run

The “Edit Run” procedure can only be used by the administrator to re-import data to the opened run. This procedure will be disabled if no run is loaded.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile Mapping > Edit Run
For more information, review documentation on Import Run above.

Remove Run

Remove a Run from list, no data will be deleted

The “Remove Run” procedure can only be used by the administrator to remove a single run from the list with available runs.

This procedure removes only the application pointer file to the run's storage location and will update all projects to which the removed run belonged. No data files will be deleted, not the original resources, nor Orbit processed data.

Procedures > Administration > Mobile mapping > Remove Run