IT Requirements for Orbit Strabo and UAV solutions

There are in fact no hardware requirements for using Orbit Strabo, Orbit Softcopy, and Orbit StereoView. You can start stereoviewing using a standard PC or laptop. Basic needs are:

However, in case of Orbit Strabo, you can optimize your processes by the below-mentioned advanced/recommended hardware settings. The complete Orbit photogrammetric work station for an optimal view includes a 24-inch widescreen strabox, a 3D Mouse, a multithread pc (advanced settings), combined with two flexscan widescreen displays, a keyboard and standard system mouse (see details below). For more information contact Orbit GT.


Δ Δ Advanced settings


All data collection can be done using a standard system mouse.

Δ Δ Advanced settings

While you can use the PC's system mouse to pan, zoom in/out, or move the floating mark in Strabo, Orbit Strabo X, Softcopy, and StereoView also supports 3D mouses to create or edit in a fast and accurate way objects in stereo. For information about the 3D mouse settings, see Strabo Preferences 3D Mouse.

Stealth 2 3D Mouse Stealth 3 3D Mouse Immersion SoftMouse Space Controller


You can start stereo viewing using a standard color screen (CRT or LCD) combined with anaglyph glasses for stereo visualization.

Δ Δ Advanced settings

The Orbit GT Photogrammetric Work Station

The complete photogrammetric work station for an optimal view includes a widescreen strabox combined with two widescreen displays as shown in the image below. Using two standard high quality LCD screens, the Strabox offers outstanding stereo viewing results, perfectly fit for intensive use and data capture. The integration with GIS on your main monitor allows stereoscopically captured data to be edited immediately.

Combined with two widescreen monitors Strabox is the total solution for your photogrammetric work station. This complete system can be ordered at Orbit GT.