Convert Imagery

The “Convert Imagery” tool converts any supported image file into another image file, one on one.
The “Make Multiresolution Image” tool converts one or more supported image files into one Orbit Multiresolution Image.

Map 2D > Tools > … > Convert Imagery

  1. Source
    Define the source file or source directory. When using a source directory all supported image files of the selected directory (and optionally subfolders) will be converted.
  2. Target
    Adjust the target location and name to your preference. By default source name and location will be used as target.
    When using a source directory only the target location must be defined. Use the optional flag “Reorganize in subfolders” to recreated to the folder structure when using a source directory combined with “Include subfolders”.
  3. Options
    Select a target file format from the drop-down list.
    Depending the selected image file format the according image (compression) options will be listed, see below.
  4. Convert

Target image compression options

Only these supported file formats for which compression options can be set are listed below.

Define the number of bits to be used to store one pixel. Te more bits per pixel the larger the file size.

Define interlacing, Wikipedia GIF, Interlacing.

Define the JPG compression quality using the dropdownlist or a slider to set a custom quality value.Wikipedia JPG, Compression.

Optimized for perfect performance in Orbit. Or in other words, recommended for use in Orbit.
Choose pixelsize and compression,

Define tiff compression settings, Wikipedia Tagged Image File Format.