Tutorial : From import oblique data to publication

Import and organize oblique data

To publish oblique resources, the data needs to be imported in Orbit as project(s). Use the Orbit desktop client on server to do so.

Orbit Client > Procedures > Administration > Obliques

  1. Import and process your data into oblique projects using the “Import Project” procedure.
    Import Oblique data in Orbit
  2. It is strongly advised to process your imagery for better server and viewer performance.
    Process Imagery

Review project availability and grant permissions

Check if all oblique projects are available for the Publisher and grant permissions for oblique projects.

EOS Console > Extensions > Obliques

  1. Check server availability of projects
  2. Grant Permissions

Create and configure publication

Create and configure the publication including oblique resources, basemaps, vector overlays, login, search plugins, start-up parameters.

EOS Console > Publish > Obliques

Publish and check online

Publish your publication and check it online or within your local network.
Default publication url : http://<server name / ip>:1111/publications/<publication name>/index.html