Users and Permissions > User Group

If multiple users should have access to the same resources and extensions and should get the same permissions, it is possible to make a user group. User groups will bundle users and set the appropriate permission in each of the relevant resources and extensions.


User Groups
“Searchbox” Use the search box just below the tab 'User Groups' to easily find the required usergroup.
“User Groups Names” Lists all configured user groups. Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to add or remove a user group.
Name Enter the user group name.
Users Add or remove users to the user group.

Private Permissions & Roles

It is advised to read first the documentation about the concepts and terminology of dataset permissions and roles on extensions.

Resource Lists all resources where a certain user group wants special access (other than global) to. Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to add or remove a resource.
Permission Choose one of the four options: 'hidden', 'viewable', 'editable' or 'inherited'. For more detailed explanation see Roles and Permissions.
Extension Lists all extensions where a certain user group gets special access to. Use the buttons at the bottom of the list to add or remove an extension.
Role Choose one of the three options: 'user', 'operator' or 'administrator'. For more detailed information see Roles and Permissions.

The Private Permission and Roles are listed for this use level only.