====== AI-Training: Create your custom AI-detector ====== This page is about AI training jobs. It describes how to create AI-detector from annotated reality data to be used in the Analysis Engine. \\ ==== Step by step ==== * Get annotated reality data ready, launch AI-Training tool and associate iTwin {{ :recordings:tutorials:videos:AI_Training_001.mp4?nolink&850x478 |}} * If annotated reality data is not yet available on Reality Management, Open extension and upload classified reality data to Reality Management {{ :recordings:tutorials:videos:AI_Training_002.mp4?nolink&850x478 |}} * Back to AI Training, Refresh Cloud Reality Data list and select your classified reality data, Review, Select appropriate job-type and Initiate training {{ :recordings:tutorials:videos:AI_Training_003.mp4?nolink&850x478 |}} * Contact Bentley support and send automatically generated email as proposed {{ :recordings:tutorials:videos:AI_Training_004.mp4?nolink&850x478 |}} * You will be contacted by Bentley Systems colleagues and receive an AI-detector a few days after sending-out your query