====== What's New Version 23.1 ====== ===== 3DM Manage and Extract ===== === New Features and Enhancements === * All-In-One \\ All extensions, procedures, tools and other functionalities are bundled into one product: Orbit 3DM Manage and Extract. Extensions are divided in a list for Manage Data and Extract Data. * Asset Resource \\ * Asset Inventory 2.0 has been removed from Beta functionalities. The legacy asset inventory can be enabled via the dedicated start-up preferences. * Auto-Add Generated Point Cloud Selection \\ If the used measurement for the asset object generates a point cloud selection, this is automatically added to the asset object. The 3D Point Cloud Selection tool can be directly used to edit the selection. Auto-save is applied. * Shortkeys for Operational Actions \\ Mnemonics have been added to the orbit.language.ini for all actions in the Create and Verify Asset Objects procedure. * UI Improvements \\ * Main Toolbar \\ Icons in the main toolbar got a style upgrade to generate a new look-and-feel. * * Simplified Multi-Step Procedure \\ Multi-step procedures are opened with a table of content to see the available steps. Open a step by hitting the record. Navigating forward and backward can be done via the arrows in the top left corner. * The Annotate tool has been moved to Tools menu > 3D Annotations. * The Library has been removed from the toolbar. Enable it again via the dedicated startup preference. * Central Catalog \\ * Catalog Opened at Startup \\ The catalog tab is open when launching the application. From there, resources can be added, created, removed and opened. * Direct Open Resource \\ Resource can be added directly via the radio button or checkbox in the first column. * Add and Create Resources \\ New resources can be created and existing resources can be added via the + icon in the top left corner. Drag & drop of a resource will also add it directly to the catalog. Asset resources are now also listed in the catalog. Subtypes are listed in a dropdown list to remove the radio buttons. * Direct Search \\ It's no longer required to hit 'Enter' when filtering the catalog table on a specific value. Direct search/filter is applied. * Generate Data \\ The context menu item 'Generate data' is the replacement of the previous 'Process data'. * Primary Point Cloud Dataset \\ The primary point cloud dataset, indicated by the key icon in the dataset list, is used to open point cloud selection files (ops) and for measurement. This way, it's no longer required to make the point cloud dataset active. * Trigger Import & Process Resource at Open Resource from Catalog \\ When opening a mapping resource via the catalog, the import & process procedure is triggered (if applicable). If creating trajectory_simplified is the only step for Import & Process Resource, the procedure is no longer triggered. * Terrestrial Mapping \\ Terrestrial mapping has been added to the list of supported mapping extensions: aerial, mobile and oblique. * Save Workspace Configuration * Opened Resources (Asset, Generic and Mapping) * Visible Resources * Object Inspector Location * New Attribute Formulas * View Heading \\ Measure formula for the image view heading at creating object. * View Tilt \\ Measure formula for the image view tilt at creating object. * Adjust Point Cloud Transparency on Map 2D \\ Transparency has been added to the point cloud legend editor on Map 2D. * Remove Group of Runs \\ Group of runs has been removed from the software. * Resource Timezone Metadata \\ The timezone in which the data timestamp is expressed can be entered in the dataset metadata properties. === Usabilities === * The startup preferences 'Username' and 'Storage Unit' have been moved to workspace preferences as they can be adjusted at runtime. * Highlight the active preference panel in the preferences list in bold. * 'Add to delivery' and 'Remove from delivery' are combined in one context menu item of the catalog. * Horizontal scrollbar has been added to the dataset properties panel. === Layout === * Reference Resources are renamed to Generic Resources. * Catalog tab is renamed to Resource Catalog. * Radiobuttons are resized to fit better in the current layout. * Preferences are organized in Manage and Extract. * Mapping Runs are renamed to Mapping Resources. === Bug Fixes === * List of masks was not generated for mapping resource with subfolder structure in the original imagery folder. * The object inspector didn't invert the selection of mapping resource photo positions. * Created 3D Annotations were saved in the recordable dataset. * The colored point cloud result from rutting analysis was not displayed. * The template created from a mapping resource could not be re-used. ===== 3DM Import And Upoad Tool ===== The 3DM Import And Upload Tool includes all 3DM Core improvements. === New Features and Enhancements === * === Bug Fixes === * ===== 3DM Viewer ===== The 3DM Viewer includes all 3DM Core improvements. === New Features and Enhancements === * === Usabilities === * Open Viewer Catalog from Resource Sidebar \\ The open resource button in the resource sidebar includes the button to open a catalog resource. === Layout === * The list of buildings in the building picker were not adjusting correctly to the dark mode style. === Bug fixes === * Publication bookmarks could not be created (patched to 22.10). * The bookmarks sidebar was not available when editing the publication. * After creating annotations, the active measurements used the annotation icons (patched to 22.10). * Opening a publication with X and Y coordinates in the URL didn't focus the reference view correctly (patched to 22.10). ===== 3DM Viewer SDK ===== The 3DM Viewer SDK includes all 3DM Viewer improvements. === New Features and Enhancements === * === Bug Fixes === * ===== 3DM Publisher ===== The 3DM Publisher includes the 3DM core and 3DM Viewer improvements. \\ === New Features and Enhancements === * Host WFS-T \\ Web Feature Service Transaction can be hosted and are applicable on odb resource only. * Support for WFS-T \\ * Add Orbit Database Resource \\ Database resources can be added to the console in the format of an .odb file. * Add Database Connections \\ The new entry 'Databases' allows adding database connections that are re-occurring in the odb files. * Insert and Remove Objects from Database Table \\ Odb files can be recordable in a publication, allowing saving measurements via the Copy to Feature button. Attributes of the selected object can be edited vie the Inspector sidebar. The slider "Resource, Create & Verify Objects" is added to the publication specs & tags. * Publication Display CRS Added to WFS/WMS Capabilities \\ Display CRS that are specific for every hosted publication, are now also added to the capabilities page of the WFS/WMS. * Columns can be selected on import multiple Resources/Users. === Usabilities === * Items in list pages are by default sorted alphabetically on name. * List All Specs & Tags at Create Publication \\ Not all sidebars were listed in the initial create page of a publication. * Required columns are disabled in Display/Hide Columns configuration. === Layout === * Resources, publications and annotation models with thumbnails had a higher height than those without thumbnails. All records now have the same height. * Improved the consistency of order, naming and tooltip of Sidebar in Publication specs & tags and Viewer. * Improved the consistency of where the description field was placed on specs & tags or create pages. === Bug Fixes === * There was a double forward slash in the WFS & WMS capabilities. Because of this, the WFS/WMS layer could not be added to the Orbit desktop product. * On import multiple Resources/Users a csv or txt file with an empty line at the end was not handled correctly. Because of this the import did not seem to do anything at all. ===== 3DM Cloud ====== The 3DM Cloud includes the 3DM core and 3DM Viewer improvements. === New Features and Enhancements === * ContextShare Projects in Company Catalog \\ The entry of ContextShare projects has been moved to the Company Catalog. * ContextShare Resources in Company Catalog \\ ContextShare resources are listed on their own page, no longer displaying them next to 3DM Cloud storage resources. * Sort Pages by Name \\ Items in list pages are by default sorted alphabetically on name. === Usabilities === * The display columns along multiple pages have been completed and follow the order of the specs & tags page. * The resource manager can no longer remove publication of which ownership was not taken. === Layout === * Resources, publications and annotation models with thumbnails had a higher height than those without thumbnails. All records now have the same height. * The size of a resource was displayed twice in the specs & tags page. === Bug Fixes === * Publications could not be launched via clicking tiles in the 3DM Viewer catalog. * Sorting users on latest activity returned an incorrect order. * Deleting a publication directly after creating it, returned an error to restart the application.