====== Cyclomedia Scripts ===== This page documents the "Cyclomedia" scripts. ===== Concept ===== Scripts to convert the multi-resolution cubic original Cyclomedia panorama images into Orbit OMI equirectangular images. \\ Dedicated executables are available for multi-resolution level2 and level3, and for EquiSolid (fisheye) and EquiRectangular lens distortions. * DoImageCubeToSphereLevel2.bat * DoImageCubeToSphereLevel2_fisheye.bat * DoImageCubeToSphereLevel3.bat * DoImageCubeToSphereLevel3_fisheye.bat ===== Variables ===== * SourceDir: Parent directory with 6-digit named subfolders storing the original Cyclomedia image files. * Target: Directory to write the processed mobile mapping images ''/panorama1/processed''.